As one would expect, bat makers, Little League officials and others are against it.
Stephen D. Keener, president and chief executive officer of Little League Baseball and Softball, said rules requiring metal bats be similar to wooden ones have cut injuries to pitchers hit by batted balls. He said Little League had 170 million at-bats last year and 22 injuries to pitchers, down from 145 in 1992.In our opinion, the prevention of a major injury to a young child is worth the ban.
“If this was in our opinion a safety issue, we should be leading the way on changes,” Keener said. “There is an insignificant difference between the non-wood bats that are used today and the wood bats they are tested against.”
Former major league catcher and Princeton University baseball coach Scott Bradley said banning metal bats would cut participation in youth baseball.
“I think we’re going to take a lot of opportunities and a lot of fun away,” Bradley said.