Friday, July 31, 2009

Tenenbaum Waits to Hear How Much

After admitting liability on the stand, Joel Tenenbaum is now waiting to hear how much he will have to pay the music industry in his trial for illegally downloading and sharing songs.

The Boston Globe reports:

US District Court Judge Nancy Gertner ruled Thursday night that Tenenbaum, 25, admitted on the witness stand that he infringed on the copyrights of 30 songs that he downloaded and shared online.

As a result, she plans to direct the jury to only consider the amount of damages he should pay four record labels that sued him in federal court and whether his infringements were "willful," which could result in much higher damages.

Under federal law, the jury can award the labels $750 to $30,000 for each copyright infringement and as much as $150,000 for each willful infringement. That means that Tenenbaum could owe as much as $4.5 million.